Literacy with an Attitude
Educallng Worklng-Cllss Chlldran In Thalr Own Salt-inlarl.1
Patrick J. Finn
"You can't teach these kids anything. Their parents don't care about them, and they're not interested."
** I chose this quote to talk about because I feel as though I can compare it to my service learning experience. By being in the Providence school system, I work with many kids who seem not to have very good home lives. By talking with some of the students it seems at though their parents don't encourage why going to school is so important. I had a talk with one of my students and told him what the whole point of school was. I explained to him education was almost everything that you needed to be a successful person. I also told him how I was in college and what the reason I was going to school was. The reason I am sharing this story with my blog is because I feel as though if parents don't care, we as teachers or future educators should. It is important for a child to be guided in the right direction, and know they have someone to talk to. This will make them more interested.
"Children should feel that the teacher and other students care about them and find them significant, the greatest extent possible, the classroom should prefigure the kind of democratic and just society we envision."
** I think it is important for students to feel cared about on a level more than just school work. Teachers should be showing their students how they are cared for by incorperating society into their classrooms. Rather than just sticking to the curriculum, it is important for students to learn about the "outside world"
"Do it my way or it's wrong"
** This is a statement I think should NEVER be used by educators. Every person/ student should be free to express their answers or opinions in the way they choose. This can help other students to learn in different ways. In order to grow as individuals, it is important for people to express their own creative thoughts.
I love the quotes that you used in your blog and agree with you. I used one of the quotes in my blog as well.